Microsoft Office 2010 or Office 14 � the working title of the next version of Microsoft Office for Microsoft Windows. Microsoft started work on Office 2010 in 2006, which ended the work on the Microsoft Office 12 (which went under the name of Microsoft Office 2007). Includes: Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint 2010
Initially it was thought that Office 2010 will be released for sale in the first half of 2009, but the new data it is not expected before late 2009 and early 2010. It is anticipated that Office 2010 will be presented at about the same time with the new operating system Microsoft Windows 7. According to an article in InfoWorld in April 2006, Office 2010 will be a �role�, than previous versions. The article quoted Simon Vittsa (eng. Simon Witts), vice-president of Microsoft�s Enterprise and Partner Group, which said that the package will focus on some of the staff � researchers , developers, managers, HR. Office 2010 borrows some ideas from the ideology of �Web 2.0�, and, perhaps, Microsoft SharePoint Server to build capabilities in new version of office suite.